Saturday 5 April 2014

How To Extend Your Smartphone's Battery Life

Smartphones and cellphones have become an essential part of our lives at the present time. Phones are no longer only used for calls and text messages.  Due to advancement of technology, they can be used for editing spreadsheets, online shopping, blogging, gaming, etcetera. Amazingly, they can also be used to measure pulse rate and take pictures underwater like the Samsung Galaxy S5. With that, it's crucial to have a long lasting batery life to extend entertainment and most importantly, productivity.

The question is, "how long can your battery survive?". Sadly, when your phone's battery is dead, it's a big lost. The momentum is gone specially when you are away from the office. With a proper use of your phone, there are several ways to extend its battery life. Easy tips to optimise your phone's power source.

  1. Minimise the screen brightness. The screen brightness is the number 1 cause of battery consumption. Minimising it doesn't only extend battery life but it also helps you avoid eye strain because of too much bright light or prolonged exposure.
  2. Disable mobile data if not needed. Activating 3G or 4G connection consumes more battery even when you are not downloading or using it. Communication still takes place. If possible, try using 3G rather than 4G because the faster the connection, the more battery is used. Another thing is, when you disable your data connection, you avoid paying unwanted or extra data charges. 
  3. Use WIFI rather than you phone's 3G connection. You save more battery with WIFI connection. Using you smartphone's 3G doubles battery consumption because you are browsing on your phone and at the same time, tha data source comes from the phone itself. Obviously, using WIFI connection helps you save money as well.
  4. Charge only when battery is below 5%. Of course, this is only recommended during non-emergency situations. Charging it with the battery still high disturbs its normal charging and discharging rhythm. A phone's battery life lasts longer when charged only with "low battery" signal. Preferably between 5% - 10% remaining battery. 
  5. Put off the SYNC mode. Manually synchronise your phone if possible to save battery. Putting it on enables it to synchronise in background even when you're not using your phone.
  6. Minimise screen timeout. Extending the screen timeout consumes more battery. Simply minimising it adds more life to the battery as I have said, the screen uses more battery when screen is on.
  7. Use back key rather than home key. The back key closes most applications while the home key puts applications in a standby mode. Applications running in background add in battery consumption. So, to save battery, always use the back key.
  8. Don't overuse your phone. Give your phone some time to rest. Overusing it stresses the battery and it accelerates battery discharge compared to a regular use. Allow some time to cool your phone when it overheats. Careful use of smartphones doesn't only extended its battery. It will extend the whole phone's durability and usability as well.

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