Sunday 6 April 2014

How To Attract Real Twitter Followers In Natural Ways

Justin Bieber with 50.7M followers
Twitter has been a crucial part of online business and entertainment. It's a place where people introduce their products, gather visitors and costumers without spending.

If there are natural ways to attract followers, are there unnatural ways too? "Yes". Buying Followers and Retweets or joining the #TEAMFOLLOWBACK team are inefficient ways to promote your business and blogs. I have tried these before, they seem ineffective. You don't have a control in who should follow you such as those who post explicit words or things Not Safe For Work (NSFW).

For a peaceful mind, there are several ways to reach the right costumers:
  1. Use a hashtag. The "#" symbol written before the word like, #twittertips, #business or #technology. A lot of users don't know what it is and others are confused how to use it. Typing a hashtag is just like searching in a Google search bar. Posts with hashtags increase their visibility worldwide. 
  2. Avoid using direct message (DM) if it's not something private. Mentioning a username with the "@" symbol increases your chances of being retweeted or being followed. When your name is retweeted, it appears to the followers of the person who retweeted you. When you retweet someone's post, you may receive a retweet in return as well. So, tweet, mention, and retweet. 
  3. Follow. It's one good way to get followers. It is like saying, "here I am follow me back". It's not that you want them to follow you in return, you are offering friendship and an opportunity. Be careful whom to follow. Choose those with similar interests, reputable tweets and professional bloggers to learn from them and for more chances of being followed back.
  4. Tweet regularly. Tweet at least 2 posts per day to let people know your account is active. Maintaining an online presence lets people know you can be someone worthy to follow. Remember ti be unique and make interesting posts.  
  5. Use quotes as fillers. Quotes are timeless. They are a good way to entertain your followers and costumers while you don't have something in your mind to post. Quotes help uplift your spirit and understand what's bugging in your mind. Another thing is to avoid the usual "" thing.
  6. Craft a nice profile picture. An "egg" or your favorite pet as your Picture Profile is a NO. That's awkward. It just shows your an amateur. People doesn't like that. You should be giving them a reason to follow you. Create a good description of yourself. A presentable profile photo and an interesting background help attract followers. Upload your best photo if possible. Preferably a close-up not a whole body. Your face should be noticed clearly in just a quick glance. If not, change it.
  7. Follow back. It's not necessary to follow back particularly if you don't like them, however, it's one way to have them stay following you. There are lots of people who unfollow if you don't follow them in return. That is if you are particular with the high number of followers rather than prospective costumers.
  8. Unfollow those who unfollow and who don't follow back. It sounds rude but in the other way around, this is a trick to have them follow you. I have personally experienced this. I have followed several people, they don't follow back, and then, I unfollowed them. After a few days, there they are unexpectedly following me. Some of them are even professional bloggers. In the end, I followed them back. Done.

Do you have some tips too? What are those you have tried to gain more followers? Comment below.