Tuesday 8 April 2014

How Presentable Is Your Profile Picture

An egg profile picture
I remember one time, I almost deleted all my social media accounts due to some awkward pictures, explicit comments, offensive videos and so on. I'm the kind of person who is sensitive regarding the use of computers and smartphones.

You cannot please everybody. Everyone should be aware about their online behaviour. The internet is a worldwide community. It means that you expect different kinds of people. Young users, critics, nerds, actors, idiots, executives, twitter enthusiasts and a lot more. We share in only one digital world. What you do affects the young and innocent ones which can become viral. Something that can turn into a disaster.  We know what is right and wrong. The best thing is, certainly, think before you click.

So, what should a profile picture look like? Well, I think there is no proper guidelines or law about that. It depends on the product you want to sell to your audience. It can be just a logo or anything that closely describes your business or company.  The thing is, as long as it is presentable not weird. Preferably a clear close-up and hands down. Just enough to notice your face in a quick glance. If you don't have any idea, imagine you are applying for work or passport. The photo you used there is your profile picture. Think about your good reputation. It adds to your self-worth.

I have stolen some profile photos through my phone's screenshot capability. You do your own opinion. If you see your photo here, let me know if you want it to be removed. Let's have a look.

It's the right size of profile picture but not the hairdo. She doesn't seem to care about her hair or might be so much focused on blogging that made her forget to look in front of the mirror. That's not an excuse either.

I'm not particular with mens fashion this year 2014. I don't know what to say about the huge necklace. Do your own opinion. I understand that men wear earrings but not girly necklaces. Anyway, this photo makes me smile.

He is looking at someting or maybe a stolen shot. Does anyone knows what sign is that, A hand on the side of his lower cheek? This profile photo should deserve a replacement. Just a photo of the face and no hands.

I'm one among his 253,000+ followers. This one is attention grabbing. Looks like a selfie inside a shopping mall. He looks good but I think he looks better with closed lips. I think we all need a phone with self-timer function mounted on a tripod.

This gentleman looks great but it seems like he has a headache or something. Hands down handsome. I think selfie is the culprit for all the unwanted photos or shall I say not so pleasing pictures. 

I guess this cannot be a profile picture. A profile is a brief description about something specifically the face. Not rings and helmets. Meticulously, I think profile it's not the right place to show our love for outdoors or passion for sports

Just a reminder, your profile picture reflects your personality. It gives us a clue about your unseen attitude. If you want respect, show a respectable photo (must be something descent). If you want to exude professionalism, you should dress professionally. If you wanna look funny, then, let it be. You are responsible for everything you post online. We come from different place, religion, learnings, race, and so on. Let us be sensitive and with that, I think we need some kind of a little adjustment. Just a pleasing profile picture if it's possible. 

Sunday 6 April 2014

How To Attract Real Twitter Followers In Natural Ways

Justin Bieber with 50.7M followers
Twitter has been a crucial part of online business and entertainment. It's a place where people introduce their products, gather visitors and costumers without spending.

If there are natural ways to attract followers, are there unnatural ways too? "Yes". Buying Followers and Retweets or joining the #TEAMFOLLOWBACK team are inefficient ways to promote your business and blogs. I have tried these before, they seem ineffective. You don't have a control in who should follow you such as those who post explicit words or things Not Safe For Work (NSFW).

For a peaceful mind, there are several ways to reach the right costumers:
  1. Use a hashtag. The "#" symbol written before the word like, #twittertips, #business or #technology. A lot of users don't know what it is and others are confused how to use it. Typing a hashtag is just like searching in a Google search bar. Posts with hashtags increase their visibility worldwide. 
  2. Avoid using direct message (DM) if it's not something private. Mentioning a username with the "@" symbol increases your chances of being retweeted or being followed. When your name is retweeted, it appears to the followers of the person who retweeted you. When you retweet someone's post, you may receive a retweet in return as well. So, tweet, mention, and retweet. 
  3. Follow. It's one good way to get followers. It is like saying, "here I am follow me back". It's not that you want them to follow you in return, you are offering friendship and an opportunity. Be careful whom to follow. Choose those with similar interests, reputable tweets and professional bloggers to learn from them and for more chances of being followed back.
  4. Tweet regularly. Tweet at least 2 posts per day to let people know your account is active. Maintaining an online presence lets people know you can be someone worthy to follow. Remember ti be unique and make interesting posts.  
  5. Use quotes as fillers. Quotes are timeless. They are a good way to entertain your followers and costumers while you don't have something in your mind to post. Quotes help uplift your spirit and understand what's bugging in your mind. Another thing is to avoid the usual "bit.ly" thing.
  6. Craft a nice profile picture. An "egg" or your favorite pet as your Picture Profile is a NO. That's awkward. It just shows your an amateur. People doesn't like that. You should be giving them a reason to follow you. Create a good description of yourself. A presentable profile photo and an interesting background help attract followers. Upload your best photo if possible. Preferably a close-up not a whole body. Your face should be noticed clearly in just a quick glance. If not, change it.
  7. Follow back. It's not necessary to follow back particularly if you don't like them, however, it's one way to have them stay following you. There are lots of people who unfollow if you don't follow them in return. That is if you are particular with the high number of followers rather than prospective costumers.
  8. Unfollow those who unfollow and who don't follow back. It sounds rude but in the other way around, this is a trick to have them follow you. I have personally experienced this. I have followed several people, they don't follow back, and then, I unfollowed them. After a few days, there they are unexpectedly following me. Some of them are even professional bloggers. In the end, I followed them back. Done.

Do you have some tips too? What are those you have tried to gain more followers? Comment below. 

Saturday 5 April 2014

How To Extend Your Smartphone's Battery Life

Smartphones and cellphones have become an essential part of our lives at the present time. Phones are no longer only used for calls and text messages.  Due to advancement of technology, they can be used for editing spreadsheets, online shopping, blogging, gaming, etcetera. Amazingly, they can also be used to measure pulse rate and take pictures underwater like the Samsung Galaxy S5. With that, it's crucial to have a long lasting batery life to extend entertainment and most importantly, productivity.

The question is, "how long can your battery survive?". Sadly, when your phone's battery is dead, it's a big lost. The momentum is gone specially when you are away from the office. With a proper use of your phone, there are several ways to extend its battery life. Easy tips to optimise your phone's power source.

  1. Minimise the screen brightness. The screen brightness is the number 1 cause of battery consumption. Minimising it doesn't only extend battery life but it also helps you avoid eye strain because of too much bright light or prolonged exposure.
  2. Disable mobile data if not needed. Activating 3G or 4G connection consumes more battery even when you are not downloading or using it. Communication still takes place. If possible, try using 3G rather than 4G because the faster the connection, the more battery is used. Another thing is, when you disable your data connection, you avoid paying unwanted or extra data charges. 
  3. Use WIFI rather than you phone's 3G connection. You save more battery with WIFI connection. Using you smartphone's 3G doubles battery consumption because you are browsing on your phone and at the same time, tha data source comes from the phone itself. Obviously, using WIFI connection helps you save money as well.
  4. Charge only when battery is below 5%. Of course, this is only recommended during non-emergency situations. Charging it with the battery still high disturbs its normal charging and discharging rhythm. A phone's battery life lasts longer when charged only with "low battery" signal. Preferably between 5% - 10% remaining battery. 
  5. Put off the SYNC mode. Manually synchronise your phone if possible to save battery. Putting it on enables it to synchronise in background even when you're not using your phone.
  6. Minimise screen timeout. Extending the screen timeout consumes more battery. Simply minimising it adds more life to the battery as I have said, the screen uses more battery when screen is on.
  7. Use back key rather than home key. The back key closes most applications while the home key puts applications in a standby mode. Applications running in background add in battery consumption. So, to save battery, always use the back key.
  8. Don't overuse your phone. Give your phone some time to rest. Overusing it stresses the battery and it accelerates battery discharge compared to a regular use. Allow some time to cool your phone when it overheats. Careful use of smartphones doesn't only extended its battery. It will extend the whole phone's durability and usability as well.

Friday 4 April 2014

I Came Up With The Title, VERTICAL BUZZ

My Blog's screen shot
This is my first post on this article and I'm still gathering my thoughts and ideas regarding which I'm going to write. Uhm, I'll be writing tips about social media, business, and technology. My addiction to social media drives me to become a Blogger. Though I think I may not be a good writer, I have a feeling that I should write to develop my blogging skills and improve my English proficiency.

I created this blog so that when I'm not doing anything, I'll be writing about my passion in gadgets and social media. For me, Blogging is as good as an exercise. It fights boredom and exercises the mind. I have a lot of things to share and they are coming soon.

I tried so many blog titles but are already not available. Luckily, I came up with a Blog title, Vertical Buzz. At last, it is taken yet. It is supposed to be only "Vertical", but it's already taken by somebody (sadly, it's an inactive blog).  Vertical Buzz is available so, this is it.

Welcome to my newly born Blog, it's called VERTICAL BUZZ!